PNRR: a big opportunity to build the future.

Did you know that Italy is the primary beneficiary in Europe of the two instruments of the NextGeneration EU plan? These are the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the Recovery Assistance for Cohesion and the Territories of Europe (REACT-EU) package

To manage these resources effectively, the Italian government has developed the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) , which is divided into sectors. The Ministry of Education and Research (MUR) has been associated with Mission 4 "Education and Research" , which has a total value of 11.732 billion euros. The initiatives focus on two components that together contribute to making a more efficient and competitive Italian system of higher education and training. This is also a great opportunity for you!

For Component 1 (M4C1 "Strengthening the provision of education services: from nurseries to universities"), a total allocation of 2.64 billion euros and an articulation in 4 reforms and 4 investments have been planned. It provides a line of structural interventions and valorisation of human capital that operate within the tertiary education sector. The measures put in place by MUR cover the following areas of intervention:

  • school to university transition;
  • scholarship provision;
  • doctoral programs;
  • degree classes;
  • enabling degrees;
  • university accommodations.

The initiatives of Component 1 aim to fill or significantly reduce the systemic deficiencies that characterize the education sector and subsequent entry into the world of work.

The interventions financed by Component 2 (M4C2 "From research to enterprise"), on the other hand, absorb over 9 billion euros and are distributed across 1 reform and 7 investments. They represent a fundamental priority for the Ministry, as an opportunity to innovate the Italian research system. In fact, these are initiatives conceived according to an integrated logic, closely interconnected and aimed at promoting investments in research and development. pnrr.paragraph_6_1pnrr.paragraph_6_2

IIn this case, the actions put in place by MUR are part of the broader framework of diffusion of innovative models for basic and applied research, also forming a synergy between universities and companies to support innovation and technological diffusion. The planned intervention lines cover the entire process chain of research and innovation, from basic research to technology transfer, with measures that differ both in the degree of heterogeneity of the networks and in the degree of technological maturity.

The planned investments have been initiated according to the deadlines agreed with the European Commission, in some cases even earlier than the deadlines set by the PNRR, thus contributing to the achievement of the targets.

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